I purchased the regular order of fries for $4, they also have an option for a double order for $6, and if I wanted them fried in Duck Oil (whatever that is), add $1.50 extra. They also have shakes which I did not try.
So I order my fries and am charged $5, when I refer to the menu and ask aren't they $4, he informs me that they ran out of regular oil so they are using Duck Oil and so they have to charge me $1 more! I don't mind so much when trucks run out of stuff, its part of the nature of the truck biz, but not to be informed upfront (say I was a vegetarian and didn't want Duck Oil).. that was the first put off. Second strike, was the size of the fries, for $4 I was expecting a decent size order of fries, well the picture above is a bit misleading, and it was a lot smaller than it looks in the picture. Third strike was they had no napkins! How can your core business be fries and you do not have any napkins! So as you can see this truck struck out with me before I even tasted the food.
Fry Captain did not redeem itself with the quality of the food. The Fries were over salted, greasy, and small.. and all broken up. It was like the fries that gather at the bottom of an order that usually get tossed, except my WHOLE order was like that. I kept eating after the first couple of bites because I felt bad wasting $5, but by the time I got half way through I asked my self why I was still eating this ball of grease and salt and I tossed the rest!
Bottom Line- Fry Captain = Complete FAIL. Very unfortunate as I really wanted to love this truck.
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